• 2024-: Scientific Director and Leader, Sustainable Land Use Management and Reconstruction of Destructed Ecosystem in the Arctic Region, TerrArctic Mega Grant Project supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
  • 2024-; Project Manager, Determination of Salda Lake Microbial Ecological Dynamics with New Generation Genomic Methods R&D Project, ITU Scientific Research Project.
  • 2024-; Project Researcher, Investigation Of The Mechanisms For The Removal Of Antibiotics, Metabolites, And Antibiotic Resistance Genes In Anaerobic Digesters Fed With Chicken And Cow Manure, And The Development Of Bioremediation Strategies To Enhance Efficiency Submitted to ITU Scientific Reseach Projects Devision (As Advanced Research Project)
  • 2024-continue; Project Manager, Developing A Biological And Ecological Remediation Method Model For Oil-Polluted Soil And Testing Its Applicability In The Field, Competent Field Research Project, Council of Higher Education (YÖK) Presidency - Research-Focused Mission Differentiation and Specialization Program
  • 2023-continue, Project Manager, Production Of High Omega3 Contained Microalgae From Food Waste Focus On Algal Diversity By Oxford Nanopore Minion Sequencing And Economic Analysis, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2023-continue, Project Manager, Comparison Of Single And Two Phase Anaerobic Digestion Of Lignosellulosic Waste Using Physico-Chemical Pretreatment Methods Interms Of Performance Microbial Community And Cost Analysis, ITU Scientific Research Project.
  • 2023-continue, Project Manager, Comparison of Single and Two Phase Anaerobic Digestion of Lignosellulosic Waste Using Alkali Pretreatment Methods in terms of Performance Microbial Community and Cost Analysis, ITU Scientific Research Project.
  • 2023-continue, Project Manager, Determination of Salda Lake Microbial Ecological Dynamics with New Generation Genomic Methods, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2023-continue, Project Manager, Comparative Evaluation of Prokaryotic Community of Salda Lake Using Oxford Nanopore MinION and Next Generation Sequencing-Illumina, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2023-continue, Project Manager, R&D Project on Production of Economically Valued Carboxylic Acid from Chicken Waste Using Anaerobic Digestion Technology, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2023-Consultant, TUBITAK, Characterization And Functional Analysis Of Lignin-Degrading Bacteria In Anaerobic Conditions, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council, 122Y399.
  • 2023-continue, Project Researcher, Identification of various surfactants to increase the efficiency of the biodegradation process of petroleum-derived wastes, Bogaziçi University Scientific Research Project, BAP 23YP2.
  • 2021-continue: Project Manager, Development of PMA - QPCR Based Early Pathogen Detection System in Water Distribution Networks, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2018-2023: Executive, TUBITAK, ERANET-LAC, Valorisation of Agricultural Residues via Anaerobic Digestion: From Biogas to Carboxylates, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2022-2023, Project Researcher, Use of lignolitic microbial communities in İğneada Floodplain Forests as bio-reinforcement, Bogaziçi University Scientific Research Project, BAP 22YD1
  • 2021-2022, Project Researcher, Enhancing Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Wastes via Anaerobic Digestion with Alkali Pre-treatment, Bogaziçi University Scientific Research Project, BAP 21YP1
  • 2021-2022: Executive, Determination of Microbial Ecology of Salda Lake by Advanced Molecular Methods (Metabarcoding) and Mapping of Geomicrobiological Characteristics Research & Development Project, The Ministry ofEnvironment and Urbanism,
  • 2020-2022: Executive, Sustainable Use Of Biomass To Assist The Development Of Turkey’s Economy Towards Green Growth, (Project number: 140325, UNIDO&TAGEM colaboration)
  • 2019- 2022: Researcher, Safe And Sustainable Solutions For The Integrated Use Of Non-Conventional Water Resources In The Mediterranean Agricultural Sector, HOROZON 2020
  • 2019-2021: Executive, TUBITAK, Determination of Specific Waste Combinations For Biomethane Production in Anaerobic Co-digestion Systems Treating Agro-wastes Within the Framework of Sustainable Approach.
  • 2019 -2020 : Executive, TUBITAK, Improvement of Biodegradation Efficiency of Petroleum Derived Wastes via Trichocladium Canadense, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2019-2020, Project Researcher, Detection Of Microorganisms That Biochemically Degrade Lignin And Cellulose In İğneada Floodplain Forests And Determination Of Their Species. Bogaziçi University Scientific Research Project, BAP 19YOOD9
  • 2018-2019: Project Manager, Determination of Anaerobic Biodegradation Potential of Petroleum Derived Wastes in Nitrate and Iron Reducing Environments, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2017-2019: TUBITAK, Development of HRM Based MLSA Method for Rapid and Reliable Identification of Clinically Important Human Pathogenic Molds, ENGY, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2017-2019: Advisor, TUBITAK, Investigation of Active Microbial Community in Anaerobic and Aerobic Biofilm Layer, and Determination of Potential of Biological Cleaning Agents in Prevention of Biofilm Layer and Antibiotic Resistance Development, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2016-2019 : Executive, TUBITAK 2525, Turkish-German Joint Project, Improvement of Anaerobic Biodegradation Efficiency of Petroleum Derivatives Waste - ZERO WASTE, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2016-2018 : Coordinator, BAP, PhD Thesis Support Program Projects, Determination of the Effects of Specific Cellulolytic Bacteria on Biomethane Production and Microbial Community Dynamics in Anaerobic Digestors
  • 2016-2017: ENGY, Determination of Engineering Data Based on Basic Principles and Design of Biological Treatment of Wastewaters Containing Detergent by Using Aerobic and Anaerobic Fungus, R&D Project, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2015-2019: Advisor, Energetic utilization of lignocellulose-rich agricultural wastes by applying microorganisms from high performance natural systems. Collaborative project with Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research – UFZ-Leipzig Germany
  • 2015-2018: Project Manager, Use Of PCR-DGGE Based Molecular Methods To Assement Of Microbial Diverity During Anaerobic Treatment Of Antibiotic Combinations, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2015-2018: Project Manager, Effect Of The Antimicrobial And Antibiotics On The Microbial Community Structure And The Development Of Antibiotics Resistance Genes In Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2015-2017: Advisor, BAP, Investigation of Ammonia Removal by Anammox Process after Anaerobic Treatment of Chicken Wastes
  • 2015-2016: ENGY, Establishment of Data Based on the Design of Rotary Furnace System for Reducing of Hazardous / Non-hazardous Treatment Sludges into Fine Particles and Granules by drying method, R&D Project , ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2014-2021: Project Manager, Determination of the Effect of Antibacterial and Antibiotics on Anaerobic Metabolic Traces and Investigation of Antibiotic Resistance Gene Formation, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2014-2021: Project Manager, Determination of Effects of Specific Cellulolytic Bacteria on Biomethane Production and Microbial Community Dynamics in Anaerobic Digesters, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2014-2018: Project Manager, Removal Of Pharmaceutical Wastewater Containing Sulfamethoxazole Under Anaerobic Conditions, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2014-2017: Advisor, TUBITAK, Comparison of Energy Potential of Olive Mill Wastewater by Using Two-Phase Anaerobic Systems and Electrohydrolysis Methods, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2014-2017: Advisor, TUBITAK, Enhancement of Biomethane Efficiency in Anaerobic Reactors Using Specific Rumen Bacteria and Hydrolysis Enzymes. Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2014-2016: ENGY, Development of Automated Molecular Analyzers and Kits for Rapid Detection of Hospital Infection Factors, R&D Project, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2014-2015: ENGY, Determination of Design Principles for the Treatment of Detergent Factory Wastewater by Advanced Generation Technologies and Enhancing Energy Efficiency, R&D Project
  • 2014: ENGY, System Development for Raw Material and Water Recovery and Reduction of Energy Consumption in Sustainability in ALGİDA Ice Cream Factory Pilot R&D Facility, R&D Project, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2014-2016: Researcher, TUBITAK, Development of a Fast and Economical Molecular-Based System for the Detection of Hospital Infections, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2014-2016: Coordinator, BAP, Master Thesis Support Program Projects, Development of PMA - QPCR Based Early Pathogen Detection System in Water Distribution Networks
  • 2012-2018: Project Manager, Analysis of Pathogenic Bacteria in Water Resources and Wastewater with DNA Based Methods and Immunoimmobilization, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2013-2021: Project Manager, Treatment of Refinery Sludges Containing Petroleum, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2013-2016: Executive, TUBITAK, A Method for Fast Species Detection in the Black Sea Zooplankton. Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2013-2016: Advisor, TUBİTAK, Determination of Genetic Interaction and Variation by Molecular Markers between Natural and Cultured Populations of Sea Bream (Sparus aurata), Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.), Common Dentex (Dentex dentex) and Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus puntazzo) Fishes, and Estimation of Future Situation by Artificial Neural Network, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council
  • 2013-2015: Researcher, ENGY, Development of a PCR-based Kit for the Detection of Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus in Group A of the Throat Swab, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2013-2014: ENGY, R & D Project for Development of Domestic Compost System for Domestic (Kitchen) and Park Garden Wastes
  • 2013-2014: ENGY, Determination of Flood Risks by Model Design, R&D Project, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2013-2014: ENGY, Determination of the Design Principles of Wastewater Treatment Technologies Using and Applicable to Renewable Energy Sources for Distributed Settlements, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2013-2014: Coordinator, BAP, Master Thesis Support Program Projects, Determination of the effect of antibacterials and antibiotics on anaerobic metabolic pathways and examination of the formation of antibiotic resistance
  • 2013-2014: Coordinator, BAP, Master Thesis Support Program Projects, Determination of Inhibitory and Ecotoxicological Effects of Anaerobic Treatment Waters of Wastewaters Containing Antibiotics
  • 2012-2013: Researcher, ENGY, Kit Development for Increasing Sensitivity and Reducing Cost in Fluorescent On-Site Hybridization (FISH) Applications, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2012-2013: Researcher, ENGY, Kit Development for Increasing Sensitivity and Reducing Cost in Real Time PCR (QPCR) Applications
  • 2012-2013: ENGY, Development of a PCR-Based Kit for the Detection of Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus in Group A in the Throat Swab, R&D Project, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2012 - 2015: Coordinator, BAP, Master Thesis Support Program Projects, Treatment of Oil-Containing Refinery Sludge
  • 2012-2014: ENGY, Development of PCR Based Systems for Detection of Hospital Infection Factors, R&D Project, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2011-2014: Advisor, TÜBİTAK, Investigation of the Effect of Ultrase Process on System Dynamics in Anaerobic Treatment of Olive Oil Wastewater, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2011-2014: Project Manager, European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Project, TUBITAK, Determination of the Effect of Metabolic Pathways on the Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewaters Containing Antibacterial and Antibiotic and the Relationship with Antibiotic Resistance Genes, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2011-2013: ENGY, Evaluation of Bioenergy Production Potentials of Turkey's Animal and Agricultural Wastes and Development of Anaerobic Treatment Strategies, R&D Project, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2011-2013: ENGY, Investigation of Appropriateness of Technological and Economical Application of Unilever Algida Ice Cream Factory Wastewater Treatment by New Generation Biological Treatment Systems, R&D Project, ENGY Energy and Envıronmental R&D Company
  • 2011-2013: Project Manager, Determination of Multiple Acute Effects of Antibiotic Contained Wastewater on Methanogenic Pathways, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2011-2012: ENGY, Unilever R & D Project for Reducing Environmental Impacts
  • 2011-2014: Coordinator, BAP, Master Thesis Support Program Projects, Investigation of Effects of Oxytetracycline on Microbial Population and Biogas Production Efficiency in Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestors Fed by Cattle Manure
  • 2011-2013: Coordinator, BAP, Master Thesis Support Program Projects, Determination of Multiple Acute Effects on Methanogenic Pathways of Antibiotic Wastewaters
  • 2011-2013: Project Manager, Investigation of the Effects of Oxytetracycline on Microbial Population and Biogas Production Efficiency in Thermophilic Anaerobic Digesters Fed with Bovine Feces, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2010-2021: Project Manager, Eastern Black Sea Region Ardeşen and Çamlıhemşin Scattered Settlements Wastewater Management and Pilot Area Application Using Renewable Energy Resources, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2010-2012: Advisor, TÜBİTAK, Investigation of the effect of veterinary antibiotics on animal-free biodegradable airless digestion systems and investigation of the resistance genes created in the receiving environment, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2008-2012: Co-consultant, TUBA, Assessment of Biodegradability Characteristics of Zenobiotics and Toxicity / Inhibition Effects on Mixed Microbial Culture, Turkish Academy of Sciences.
  • 2010-2012: Coordinator, BAP, Master Thesis Support Program Projects, Disposal of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludges in Anaerobic Digestion and Evaluation of the Effect of Different Operating Conditions on Microbial Communities
  • 2009-2010: Executive, TUBITAK, Determination of Stimulation / Inhibition / Toxicity Effects of Anoxic and Anaerobic Biodegradable Capacities of Antibiotics and Mixed Microbial Culture, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2009-2012: Project Manager, Evaluation of anoxic and anaerobic biodegradability properties of xenobiotics and their toxicity inhibition effects on mixed microbial culture, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2008-2012: Project Manager, Determination of Microbiological Diversity in Activated Sludges with Different PHA Storage Capacity by Molecular Methods, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2008-2011: Project Manager, Non-Linear Microbial Growth Dynamics and Its Effect on Wastewater Treatment Reactors, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2008-2010: Advisor, TÜBİTAK, Detection of Some Indicator and Pathogenic Bacteria in Raw Poultry Meat and Minced Meat by Using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) Method, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2007-2018: Project Manager, Determining the Effect of Toluene Inhibition in Sludge from an Anaerobic Reactor on Acetoclastic Methanogenic Activity and Composition of Acetoclastic Methanogens, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2007-2013: Project Manager, Determination of Bioremediation Potentials of Marmara Sea Sediments, Oil Pollution Under Anoxic Conditions, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2007-2010: Co-Operator, TUBITAK, Determination of the Interaction of Anaerobic Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters Containing Organic Solvents with System Dynamics by Using Molecular Methods, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council
  • 2007-2008: Project Executive, ITU Research Fund, Bacterial Variety in Nitrification Systems of Sludge Age and Impact on Purification System Stability
  • 2007-2008: Project Manager, Effect of Sludge Age on Bacterial Diversity and Treatment System Stability in Nitrification Systems, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2006-2009: Project Leader, TUBITAK, Determination of Microbial Compostion and Anaerobic Petroleum Degradation Capacities of Anoxic Marine Sediments, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2004-2007: Project Manager, Investigation of Inhibition Effect of Toxic Chemicals in Pharmaceutical Wastewater on Methane Archaea Species, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2004-2006: Project Leader, ITU Research Fund, Identification of Microbial Species Active in Anaerobic Treatment of Sulphated Wastewaters by FISH Method and Optimization of Biogas Production
  • 2004-2006: Coordinator, ITU Research Fund, Optimization of Biological Treatment Systems for Bioplastic Production, Recovery and Economic Analysis
  • 2004-2004: Project Manager, Characterization of Methane Bacteria Effective in Anaerobic Treatment of Alcoholic Beverage Industry Wastewaters Using Fluorescent In-situ Hybridization (FISH) Technique, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2004-2006: Project Leader, ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Characterization Of Active Methanogenic Species in Anaerobic Treatment Of Liquor İndustry Wastewaters Using Fluorescence İn Situ Hybridization (FISH) Technique
  • 2003-2007: Project Manager, Hybrid System Powder Activated Carbon/Cross Flow Microfiltration Technology, Heavy Metal Removal and Modeling from Aqueous Environment, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2003-2004: Project Manager, Determination of the Species and Numbers of Nitrifying Bacteria in Activated Sludge Systems Using Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization Technique (FISH), ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2001-2004: Project Manager, Determination of the Optimum Operating Conditions of the Acid Phase in the Two-Phase Anaerobic Treatment of Whey Wastewater, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2000-2003: Project Manager, TUBITAK, 16S rDNA Analysis of Methane Bacteria Effective in Anaerobic Treatment Systems, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 2000-2004: Project Manager, Characterization of Doninant Microorganisms in the Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 2000-2004: Project executive, ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Identification of Dominant Bacteriain Two-Phase Anaerobic Treatment of Drug Wastewater
  • 1999-2001: Researcher, Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Determination of Composition, Number and Activities of Methane Producing Species in Anaerobic Treatment Processes
  • 1997-2000: Researcher, TUBITAK-ITU-NATO CCMS, Ecosystem Modeling for Coastal Lagoons for Sustainable Management, Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council.
  • 1997-2004: Project Manager, Determination of Potential Loading Capacity of the System in Anaerobic Treatment Using Specific Methane Activity Test, ITU Scientific Research Project
  • 1997-1999: Co-Operator, Boğaziçi University Research Funding, Determination of Optimum Operating Conditions in Two-Phase Anaerobic Increase of Wastewaters of Pharmaceutical Industry
  • 1997-1999: Co-Director, Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Leakage Water Recirculation and Stabilization of Urban Depot Fields
  • 1994-1996: Researcher, Preservation of Existing Potential Water Resources of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment Istanbul: Protection of the Great Melen, Alaçalı, Yeşilçay and Istranca Basins, Hydrology and Eutrophication Control
  • 1994-1996: Researcher, Turkish Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment Preservation of Potential Water Resources in Istanbul: Alibeyköy Basin Conservation Plan; Mathematical Model, Hydrology and Eutrophication Control
  • 1994-1996: Researcher, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment Preservation of Potential Water Resources in Istanbul: Sazlıdere Basin Conservation Plan, Hydrology and Eutrophication Control
  • 1994-1996: Researcher, Ministry of Environment of Turkey Istanbul Preservation of Potential Water Resources: Darlık Basin Conservation Plan; Mathematical Model, Hydrology and Eutrophication Control
  • 1994-1995: Researcher, Water Quality Monitoring Studies for İSKİ Riva (Black Sea) and Büyükçekmece (Marmara Sea) Discharges
  • 1994-1995: Researcher, ISKI Riva and Büyükçekmece Exit Sea Region Review
  • 1994-1995: Researcher, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment Preservation of Potential Water Resources in Istanbul: Elmalı Basin Conservation Plan, Hydrology and Eutrophication Control
  • 1994-1995: Researcher, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment Preservation of Potential Water Resources in Istanbul: Terkos Basin Conservation Plan; Mathematical Model, Hydrology and Eutrophication Control
  • 1994-1995: Researcher, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment Preservation of Present Potential Water Resources in Istanbul: Büyükçekmece Lake Conservation Plan; Mathematical Model, Hydrology and Eutrophication Control
  • 1994-1995: Researcher, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Turkey, Sapanca Lake as a water source; Mathematical Model, Hydrology and Eutrophication Control
  • 1993-1994: Project Advisor, Newcastle University, UK Treatment of wastewater containing high ammonia by using biodiscs
  • 1993-1994: Project Advisor, Newcastle University, UK Treatment of leachate from the landfill in North Quarry
  • 1993-1994: Project Leader, Newcastle University, UK Purification of leachate from battery storage area
  • 1993-1994: Researcher, Preservation of Present Potential Water Resources of Istanbul Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment; Ömerli Dam Lake Urgent Action Plan; Mathematical Model, Hydrology and Eutrophication Control
  • 1991-1992: Project Advisor, Newcastle University, UK Comparison of performance of airless filters filled with porous and nonporous materials
  • 1989-1990: Project Advisor, Newcastle University, UK Purification of industrial wastewater using an airless upstream filter
  • 1989-1990: Project Advisor, Küçükçekmece Municipality, Istanbul Water Quality Management and Eutrophication Control in Drainage District of Küçükçekmece Lake Using Mathematical Model